web creation software

{Francis Kamala}


Mobile App Development

(Java ,XML )


(Angular,HTML5,Javascript,Jquery,CSS, Bootstrap)

Who is Francis Kamala
I am a Mobile Developer and programmer living in Nairobi,Kenya, I make Android Applications using Java and XML.Below is are some of my works. I also do Web Development Using HTML ,CSS, JS and also Frameworks such as Angular.


Global News

Global News is an android Application I developed that fetches current news and display news content using Retrofit from a NewsApi and displays the Current news Updates as they get updated.


Appointment Booking

A mobile application done in Android that incorporates use of Firebase Auth to authenticate Users and also includes Storage of User Booked Dates .Users can thus easily manage their appointments .


Rona Updates

Rona Updates is an android application that helps display realtime statistics on the COVID 19 pandemic. The application displays updated Information from all countries.


Nairobi, Kenya


Email: frankkamala@gmail.com
Phone: +254 720551855

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